Harding Sails

Designed to Perform - Built to Last

One-Design Sails

Harding Sails and Elvstrom Sails combine to offer the best in performance one design sails. The one-design sails we fabricate at Harding Sails have won both races and regattas. The same quality and workmanship goes into our one-design sails that we put into our well known high performance racing sails. We are consistently updating designs to improve speed, performance and outperform our competitors.

From big boat class sails to dinghy classes, Harding Sails is your source for one-design. We have extensive experience in the following class sails:


Contact us to learn more about how we can put our skill and technology to work for you. (Request quote)

Harding Sails
Elvstrøm Sails New England
732 Mill Street (Route 6)
Marion, MA 02738, USA
508-748-0334 (fax 508-748-2903)
Copyright © 2008-2025 Harding Sails, Inc.