Harding Sails

Accessory Order Form
  1. Fill out the following form (see privacy policy). Items indicated with * are required.
  2. Click the submit button to send the request to Harding Sails.
  3. The automated system will respond with an acknowledgement web page.
  4. Harding Sails will respond to your order via the phone to get credit card information and provide shipping details as soon as practical.
  5. For security purposes - please do not provide credit card data via email. If you prefer, use the mail/fax form.
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone (Daytime) *
Address #1 (Shipping)*
Address #2 (Shipping)
Zip Code *

QuantityDescriptionColor **Size **Extended Price
** Note: See item description for colors and size choices. Sub-Total
  MA Residents Sales Tax
  Shipping & Handling

Privacy Policy

At Harding Sails we are committed to protecting the privacy of all of our contacts and clients. We will never pass on any information you submit to us to any third party. We will only use this information to respond to your inquiries and requests.

Harding Sails   HARDING SAILS
732 Mill Street (Route 6)
Marion, MA 02738, USA
508-748-0334 (fax 508-748-2903)

Copyright © 2008-2017 Harding Sails, Inc.
Web comments to webmaster@hardingsails.com
Web site design by RJRWebDesigns.com.